Spring has sprung!…I think, we had some lovely spring weather and all of a sudden a cold front has moved in. As much as I hate losing an hour, I do enjoy the later sunsets.
TBPA will be handing out water to the runners at the HCBA’s Annual Pro Bono 5k Run. This Run benefits pro bono programs in Hillsborough County. Did you know that there is a Food Festival after the run? The attorneys, firms and judges compete with the best food.
The seminar committee is finalizing the details for the annual seminar. Some of our topics include:
Updated Florida Rules of Civil Procedure;
Laurel Tesmer Celebrity Probate & Divorces;
Prevalent Ethical Violations in our Community.
There is still time to register for the Annual Seminar! Please be sure to check the Seminar page for updates. We are also planning a celebration for our 25th Anniversary which will be held immediately after the Seminar. If you have photos from prior TBPA events that you have attended, please forward them to me, we would love to see them and share them with other Members.
Join us in celebrating TBPA’s 25th anniversary at the social hour immediately following the seminar. Location to be announced soon, we are finalizing the details. You must register in advance to attend. https://www.tbpa.org/event-5946725
The next Wills for Heroes event is scheduled for Saturday, April 19th at the HCBA office in Downtown Tampa. We need notaries and witnesses. You can register to volunteer on our events page.
We are always looking for suggestions for speakers and topics. If you have a great speaker or a suggestion for a CLE topic (is there hot topic in your area of practice? a new rule change or proposed rule change?), please reach out and share.
NALA is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. The NALA Conference will be held July 10th through 12th in Atlantic City, you can register for the conference now. Early bird discount ends May 7th. https://nala.org/nala-conference-expo/
Feel free to reach out to me anytime if you have questions or suggestions on how to continue to grow TBPA.
Nita Serrano, ACP, FRP, AACP
Tampa Bay Paralegal Association, Inc.
Please note Effective January 2025, Monthly CLE Luncheons have moved to the second Tuesday of each month!!